An Organized Closet-The Key Ingredients To a Dreamy Space

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 Is your identity hiding in your closet? Do you have clothes you’ve never worn, dresses with tags still on, maternity clothes your holding onto for “just-in-case”,  or clothes you hope to fit into again? 

A peek into every woman’s closet can reveal more than our fashion sense. Fears, desires for the future, doubts about our choices and so much more. 

Sorting through and releasing these items can help us move forward to reveal a closet full of only the pieces that fit us now.

Even further, An organized closet holds the key to us finding those pretty pieces and clothing combinations that get us out the door and feeling confident all day.  

The opposite leaves us feeling frustrated and depleted when we can’t find anything decent to wear. 

If you’ve ever thought to yourself “I’m ok, I just want my kid’s rooms organized and I don’t mind a little clutter in my room”……..

Today this message is for you. If you walk away with nothing else from today’s blog post.

I want to speak to your heart and say: No, love! You deserve to feel like the princess that you are and not feel frustrated with your closet. It all starts with you.

If you are taken care of and feel great, right from the beginning, you will be able to take better care of everyone else.

While I can’t give you any fashion tips, cause I need to hire a wardrobe consultant myself. I can share with you my tips to help you zone out your closets as well as the essentials that every closet needs so you can feel like that empowered beauty that you are.

An organized closet

1. Keep, Toss, or Donate?

 It goes without saying but, It’s important to go through your closet and only keep pieces in your closet that CURRENTLY fit you and that. You will reach for the items you love more often if your closet doesn’t feel stuffed by unloved, unused items. Pull everything our and deside it items are worthy of the space they take up in your closet. Asking the tough questions such as: Do I love this? Have I worn it in the past year? Would I buy it again if it was full price and I saw it at the store?

A well-organized closet that has pieces that you don’t wear or want to wear will NOT give you the results you desire. Don’t settle for less.

2. Create Categories Within Your Closet

Your closet should be intentional and functional. By creating categories for your items, you will spend less time searching for something to wear and gain more time in the morning. Categories vary depending on the amount of space available in the closet. Below is a general breakdown.

Categories I Recommend:

  • Work Clothes – Blazers, dresses, dressy shirt and slacks
  • Leisure Clothes – t-shirts, jeans, shorts
  • Workout Clothes – yoga pants, shirts
  • Winter Clothes – coats, sweaters, turtlenecks
  • Undergarments – Underwear, socks, pantyhose, bras, pajamas.
  • Accessories – Belts, Hats, Jewelry, Ties, Tie Clips, scarves
  • Shoes – Separate them by work, leisure, tennis shoes, flip-flops, dress shoes, heels

All of the clothing categories should be practically placed thinking about what you need at eye level and what pieces you use most frequently.

another thing to consider is how much folding/hanging space you have available and whether you like folding or prefer hanging.

*Think about the maintenance required as well, would you fold your clothes week after week? This is a secret to keeping up with laundry and returning things to their home. 

3. Maximize your Space

Now that you have organized your items by category, let’s talk about how to separate them into zones and designate them to a particular area in order to maximize space.

To get the most space out of any sized closet you will need to make sure of a few things:

  1.  Only keep things you wear – Avoid the cycle of trying on pieces only to find time and time again that you don’t like them, so you take them off, and then they lay on a surface in limbo because you don’t know what to do with them. 
  2. Use the same type and color of hangers – It’s visually easier and more inviting to find what you need when the hanger is the same color. Use slim hangers to double your space.
  3. Same or similar containers – Keeping things out of cardboard boxes and in containers to contain things, preventing your clothes from tumbling over.
  4. Map out your closet to its fullest potential – Maximize the use of every corner of space in your closet. Having a place for everything ensures you know where to look for what you need.
  5. Proper lighting – Lighting allows you to not only see the blues from the blacks but also makes your space feel more like a studio. So you can shop your closet every day!
  6. A full-length mirror – So you can check yourself before going out the door.

Here are my favorite containers for maximizing your closet

*All of the links below are affiliate links and although I will get a small percentage of the price in no way will this affect the price you pay.

Shelf Dividers
Shoe Storage
Rubberized Hangers
Closet Basket
drawer organizers
Dresser Drawer Organizers

4. Your Closets Fullest Potential

In order for your closet to meet its fullest potential, you may need to add shelf dividers, additional racks, and/or an organizer on the door. Have fun playing around with where zones of the closet might fit best!

Now, if you have to share your closet with someone like a spouse or partner consider reading my blog on How to Get Your Partner on Board with Getting Organized!

Cleaning out and organizing your bedroom closet will feel renewing and exciting!!!

If you feel like you need more direction or help, contact me here for a consultation. I would be more than happy to help you create function and beauty in your closet!

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