Six Tips To Empower Your Kids To Keep An Organized Bedroom

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Having a system to support your child to have an organized bedroom is important. It instills healthy habits, in our kids, to pick up after themselves and studies show that a clean and tidy bedroom improves sleep and learning. I know keeping it that way can be challenging. Sometimes they just need to have a distraction while you get your workout in or catch up on other pressing items. Listen, momma, this is normal and you are doing a great job! I hope that today’s tips and printable help make life at least a little simpler. 

I always get asked…” your kids must be so organized?”. My kids are kids. They are creative, messy, throw tantrums, and are overall very healthy wonderful kids. Not everything is in its place 100% of the time but EVERYTHING HAS A PLACE and that is what has made a world of difference to help them, and me, restore order when it’s time. 

6 Simple Ways to Help Your Kids Keep Their Room Organized (Without the Daily Struggle!)

empowering your kids to stay organized

1. Get your kids involved.

Even if your kids are really young, getting them involved instills in them responsibility and helps them learn essential life skills. They don’t learn anything if we do it all for them so get them involved as much as possible. 

Teach your kids that parting with stuff is healthy and ok. Focus on the positive of the experience, invite them to pick out new furniture, storage containers, shelves, etc. when it comes to organizing their things and their space. Let them help pick out colors and a theme (if they don’t have one already), and ask if there’s something that will help them keep it more organized. If you notice pens are always on the surface -maybe they prefer to have a cup on their desk instead of a drawer divider because they use them so frequently. Identify what may not be working or missing.

Make it into a game and have fun while doing it, smaller kids love that kind of thing, after all! If they’re involved and feel like they’re helping change their room into a better, happier place, the more likely they are to love it and want to keep it that way too.

organizing kids clothes

2. Edit, Rinse and Repeat

It’s easy to collect excess toys and books from birthday parties, holidays, older siblings, etc. Children can become more overwhelmed and get frustrated quickly when they have too many things to choose from, so it’s beneficial for everyone to organize and declutter these items every so often. The more often you go through things with them the stronger their “decision-making muscles” get and they increase their awareness of what they actually play with. 

Create piles in the following categories with blue tape:

  • Trash (throw away)
  • Donate
  • sell
  • Pack and store (attic or storage room)
  • Relocate (things that belong elsewhere)
  • Keep

For tips on editing their clothes, check out this previous post where you’ll get a printable shopping list for your little ones. 

organized toys

3. Create a toy rotation system

Kids tend to outgrow things so quickly, don’t they?! Once you’ve gone through all the toys and edited them, decide what categories they are most interested in playing with right now and organize the rest in a different location. They don’t need to have access to everything all at the same time. This keeps them from (1) being overwhelmed when they play. (2) Makes cleanup faster – a win-win for everyone, and (3) When they get bored, they can swap out the toys they currently have direct access to.

toys organized in cubes

4. Use storage solutions that work well for kids

Start with several smaller storage containers and bins to corral the smaller toys, and label them by category. Don’t just use one big container or toy chest for everything (that can be a catch-all for clutter and will most likely stay that way!). These storage containers come in different sizes; they are clear, stackable, and give you the ability to maximize your storage. 

Drawers and baskets are a great option for medium to large-sized toys, such as stuffed animals, balls, large cars, or doll-house furniture. 

hair accessories in bins
organizing hair accessories

5. Give them a place to hold their treasures

The magic that comes with being a child is their sense of adventure and creativity. Nourish this season by giving them a place to hold their treasures so they aren’t floating around. Here are 3 types of bins you could use for smaller trinkets:

  • Stackable Bricks – I love these for storing headbands and accessories by color and they also work for grouping smaller collections. 
  • Have a jewelry box laying around? –  upcycle it for rock and stone collections. 
  • Children’s keepsake box – This is a file size box to collect their art. Organize it by school year and they will see their art evolve throughout the years.

It’s ok to collect things that give them nice memories – for many, it helps give them a sense of belonging, feel loved, and reminds them of how good life has been. Having a place for these things helps children learn organization skills by learning about limits, and to take care of the things they value. 

organize kids treasures

6. Instill the Habit

Use a checklist to help them create the habit. “Clean your room” can mean something completely different to them, as it does to you. Define what the steps are and create a checklist with them, then laminate it and put it behind the door for them to check off as they go. I learned a long time ago that just because it’s on the floor it does not mean (to them) that they need to pick it up (even if they are tripping over it). To make it easier for you, I’ve created a printable that you could use now to get started.

kids cleaning checklist
Click to Download

Remember to be realistic when it comes to tackling your child’s bedroom, patience is KEY! It doesn’t have to be perfect but the practice and repetition will help them feel the satisfaction and you will all reap the benefits of an organized room. 

Making Organization a Habit, Not a Battle

What about you? Are there any other tips you have that have helped you keep your kids organized?

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