Overcoming Decluttering Fears: How to Let Go Without Regret

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Public speaking makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry! Can you relate? I know I’m not the only one.

Public speaking ranks as one of the biggest fears—sometimes even scarier than death!

But this post isn’t about public speaking. Instead, let me explain how it relates to decluttering fears and how we can overcome them.

What Public Speaking Taught Me About Decluttering Fears

I recently spoke to a friend who is a John Maxwell coach about my fear of public speaking. I asked, “Are there breathing exercises I could do to calm myself before speaking?”

His response surprised me: “Just breathe.”

Then, he pointed out something that hadn’t occurred to me—maybe I was too focused on getting it perfect.

He suggested I practice until it became second nature. And you know what? Once I understood what was really holding me back, it became much easier to face!

That made me think about the many fears I see my clients struggle with when decluttering.

If decluttering feels overwhelming, it may not be about the stuff itself. It may be about the fear behind it. Let’s explore the most common decluttering fears and how to move past them.

No need to thank the item before you LET IT GO! But here’s a joke to get us started. 🤣

Decluttering fears

1. Fear of Getting It Wrong (Perfectionism in Disguise)

Perfectionism can keep you stuck. But here’s the truth—there’s no “wrong” way to get organized.

A simple approach is to follow these steps:

✔️ Sort your items into categories.
✔️ Purge what you don’t need.
✔️ Plan your space and storage solutions.

Focus on progress, not perfection. Just start, and you’ll refine your systems along the way.

2. Fear of Not Having Enough (Scarcity Mindset)

Does the thought of getting rid of something make you anxious? The fear of “not having enough” can keep you holding onto excess.

I once read a powerful quote:

“Fear does not know what is good for you. Take this feeling as an opportunity to define what ‘enough’ looks like for you.”

And remember this verse from Matthew 6:26:

“See the birds of the sky, that they don’t sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. Your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you of much more value than they?”

Trust that you will always have what you need.

➡️ Related: 5 Easy ways to declutter your home when you’re feeling stuck

3. Fear of Being Wasteful or Feeling Guilty

Guilt often shows up when you find:

  • Something expensive you never used
  • A gift you don’t love
  • Items that were once sentimental but no longer serve you

Instead of letting guilt control you, ask yourself:

❓ Can I return or sell this?
❓ Is selling worth my time?
❓ Would donating be a better choice?

Most often, donating is the fastest and most freeing solution. Plus, it helps someone else who needs it more than you do.

4. Fear of Needing It “Someday”

We’ve all been there—keeping things “just in case.” But how often do you actually use those items?

Use the 20/20 Rule:

💡 If it costs less than $20 and is replaceable within 20 minutes, it’s safe to let go.

Ask yourself:
✔️ Have I used this in the past 6 months?
✔️ Will I need it in the next year?
✔️ Is it in the right zone of my home?

If the answer is no, it’s time to release it!

5. Fear of Losing the Memory

Here’s the truth: The memory is in your heart, not in the item.

Instead of keeping everything, choose a meaningful way to preserve the memory:

📸 Take a photo of sentimental items.
📁 Digitize old photos and store them electronically.
🎨 Keep one or two meaningful pieces instead of a whole collection.

If you want to preserve childhood memories, check out our custom keepsake bins.

➡️ Related: How to Organize Sentimental Items Without Clutter

The One Thing I See Every Time Someone Declutters…

The moment someone pushes past these fears, the feeling is always the same: RELIEF.

It’s like they just needed permission to let go. And now, I’m giving you that permission.

Which of these fears resonates with you the most? Have you overcome one of them? Share in the comments!

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  1. I encounter all of these, both with clients and with myself. Was just talking with someone last night about the fear of losing the memory. It is powerful… but it led to a good conversation about how best to trigger a memory. There are options, and some may be better than the physical object itself!

    • Hi, Lisa,

      I hear you! This is a very common fear. I think the most important thing we can do sometimes is set it aside and deal with the easier clutter that surrounds us. Quieting the visual noise, of the clutter we are certain about, helps us to move forward so that we can search deeper regarding the more emotional items.

      I find that sometimes this fear of being wasteful can also translate into the feeling of being thought of as ungrateful. Which isn’t so. This journey of de-cluttering is definitely a journey of self discovery. Keep at it and thanks for visiting.



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