From Out Of Control To In Order: A Linen Closet Makeover

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Transform Your Linen Closet: Say Goodbye to Clutter

Organization—it can be kind of intimidating, right? Whether you consider yourself an organized person or not, I think there’s something we can all agree on: clutter is NOT something that makes us feel good.

We often feel overwhelmed and stressed when our home gets too cluttered, yet we don’t know where to start or how to improve it. Fortunately, that’s where I come in!

Why You Should Transform Your Linen Closet

Linen closets are often overlooked when it comes to organizing. It’s a space that can do a lot of heavy lifting for us—storing not just linens, but also game boards, extra supplies, toilet paper, and even luggage. However, when left unorganized, it can easily become just another junk drawer.

Life is busy enough, and the last thing you need to worry about is clutter in your home. Your space should bring you peace, not stress.

A Linen Closet Makeover: One of My Favorites

Today, I’m sharing a linen closet transformation that I did a while back—and it’s still one of my favorites! I organized most of the spaces in this client’s home, creating systems that allowed everything to have a “home.”

When working with families, I often hear statements like:

  • “I want to keep this, but I don’t know what to do with it.”

  • “I don’t know where to put this.”

By asking the right questions, we can identify the best place for each item, making everything easier to find and use.


The Before

As you can see from the “before” photo, this linen closet only held linens and some luggage. But with a little planning and the proper organizers, we gave it structure and added functionality for other essentials.

The Challenges

Items were placed randomly, and things were piling up at the door since there was no designated space for them. It became an “I’ll fix it when I have time” situation. Fortunately, we were also organizing other spaces in the home, allowing us to make important connections to maximize storage.

How to Transform Your Linen Closet: Key Tips

If you’re ready to transform your linen closet, here are a few things to consider:

  • Get rid of cardboard and remove items from their packaging.

  • Utilize top shelves for taller, less frequently used items.

  • Declutter items that no longer serve you in this season of life.

  • Fold linens uniformly to create a neat and tidy look.

  • Group similar items together to make organization easier.

  • Only store relevant items—if it doesn’t belong in the linen closet, relocate it.

  • Start with decluttering before buying containers—this ensures you purchase the right storage solutions.

The Right Organizing Solutions

For this linen closet, I selected the following solutions:

  • Multi-purpose bins to store overstock items for family members and guests.

  • Baskets to hold linens by size.

  • Shelf dividers to keep towels upright and organized.

  • Labels to clearly define where everything belongs, ensuring easy maintenance for the whole family.

We also maximized the depth of the shelves by choosing the right storage containers and placed the most-used items front and center for easy access.

The After: A Functional and Beautiful Linen Closet

Transform your linen closet

My client’s linen closet went from dysfunctional and cluttered to organized and simplified. And her smile said it all! She has a beautiful home, and I was thrilled that she loved this “soothing” little space.

A Linen Closet Can Be More Than Just Linens

A “linen closet” doesn’t have to store just linens. It can also function as:

  • An activity storage area

  • A game closet

  • Medicine and first aid storage

  • Or whatever else your household needs!

Just ensure it has clear, defined boundaries and communicate them with your family. That way, everything will have a designated place—and stay there!

Ready to Transform Your Linen Closet?

If your space is making you feel overwhelmed and out of control, and you’re ready for a positive change, I want to help you! Contact the Sensational Organizing Team today for an estimate, and let’s bring order and peace back into your home.

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