How to Effectively Organize Your New Year’s Resolutions

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To aspire to do great things is food for your soul!

I remember just 3 short years ago having major anxiety about what I wanted to do in my life. I didn’t want to sound ungrateful. God has always provided for all my needs.

Back when I did direct sales for the Amway business, a speaker said “God, don’t give me……put me where there is and I will get it”

Those empowering words left an imprint on my heart. Today these words have a deeper meaning for me.

Last year I wrote about starting with your “why” and co-creating my office with God. 2018 was an incredible journey of discovering my inner power and listening to my inner voice and I hunger for more of that.

Today I want to share with you how I broke down my goals so that you too can reach yours.

1) Braindump

Start by finding a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and bring a notebook, pen, and even a drink of your preference.

Use the timer feature on your cell phone to give yourself 20 minutes of a free-flowing braindump.

Don’t think about how you are going to accomplish any of them.

Just let yourself freely write what you want to accomplish. Consider spiritual, financial, career, family, and health goals. 

2) Assess your list

Group goals by category – Financial, spiritual, career, family, and health goals.

Rephrase them and make them measurable. 

Instead of saying you want “to buy a home”.

Say: “I will own a home in 2024” (that’s 5 years from now).

Make it measurable and clear.

Think about what will be required to reach each goal and how many steps each will take to achieve.

Think about it; just because buying a home is a 5-year plan does not mean you can’t do anything to move the needle forward.

Some goals even complement other larger goals.

In order to buy a home, for example, you can move the needle toward that goal by starting a savings plan and getting out of debt.

Although both are individual goals, they help you move closer to the larger end goal.


3) Break it down

Here’s where I was lost before.

Having good intentions about where you want to be is one thing but making them a reality you have to break it down and plug it into your life.

If your goal is to save $1,000 for 12 months, then your weekly goal will be to transfer $20.83 to a savings account every week.

It’s important to break down your goals into smaller manageable goals so that you can assess your goals periodically. 

Also taking on too many sets you up to get disappointed, so once you have your goals broken down into categories choose the top 2 or 3 that you can focus on and break down those goals into steps.


4) Transfer your date

This part is very important.

I am a paper person and need to see things in front of me.

The act of writing also helps you remember things.

Transfer your steps on to your calendar.

If you are digital this is simple because all you need to do is have them repeat every week.



5) Revisit your progress monthly

Schedule time onto your calendar for some “me” time and assess where you are.

It’s ok to change your course!

It’s ok to fall behind.

It’s ok if you need to stretch out your goal even further.

You don’t have to be like everyone else. Your journey is yours, and nobody else’s.

Wherever your journey takes you, remember that there is nobody like you and you are more than enough!


6) Find accountability

Quiet time, alone time, me time whatever you like to call it is important.

However, I discovered that reaching for your goals with someone alongside you, makes a world of difference.

  • Having someone on the call while I tackle mundane tasks.
  • Listening to a podcast and walking through the process with them.
  • Going to the gym with someone else.
  • Joining challenges with others on the same path.
  • Hiring coaches to push me through.

These are all ways I’ve used to conquer those mountains.


I ended my year with the news that I was featured on Better Homes and Gardens, January 2019 issue. I was even featured on the same issue and quoted on the same page as Peter Walsh. What an honor!

The beginning of great things started with taking pen to paper and then taking baby steps to achieve them.

I hunger for God to show me more of what we can do together. I pray that writing down your goals injects you with the motivation you need to move you forward toward the goals and dreams that you aspire.

I’d be honored if you share with me one major goal you want to reach this year.

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