How to transform your Closet and Wardrobe

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How to transform your closet and Wardrobe

Covid-19 had me feeling blah about everything, including my wardrobe, so I took the time to transform my closet and my wardrobe. Today I am sharing a new strategy that I used to change my perspective around my wardrobe. You will also hear how investing in a wardrobe stylist adds value and insights to the whole experience.

As a teen, I found it healing and transformative to declutter. It was an opportunity to increase my awareness of who I was, what I liked, and where I was going. The exercise of “subtracting” the excess was similar to Michaelangelo creating the famous Statue of David. Michaelangelo says he “sculpted what he could see emerging” as he chipped away at the marble. Can you imagine the beauty we would sculpt in our spaces if we switch the perspective?!  

We spoke in a previous blog post about how, as women, we often lose our identities along the way as we care for others. I knew going through the simplifying and Organizing process was a significant piece in partnering with women to restore their visions for the future. Something was missing, and I couldn’t put my finger on it until I experienced it.

A common Statistic we use in the Organization industry is:

People use 80% of their items 20% of the time. Have you ever asked yourself why you don’t use the other 80% of your wardrobe?

I did, and I discovered that I needed someone from the outside, an expert in wardrobe styling, to help transform my closet.

Let’s get started, shall we! This is what my closet looked like before I got started.

I started by doing some inner work to prepare my mindset for what I was about to do. 

        1. Mindset Check

Reciting affirmations before going into purging helps me get grounded. It helps me take any thoughts captive, which may hinder my ability to make the BEST decisions for me. 

So, I stare at myself in the mirror and ground myself in gratitude with these affirmations:


        2. Assess and Visualize 

Before pulling everything out, I began by creating a vision for transforming my closet, knowing, full well, that garments and everything we own propels us toward the goals that we desire. I knew I wanted to invest in some staple wardrobe pieces and that I needed additional space for shoes and more space to hang and distinguish my bottoms from my tops.


        3. Simplify

Once I established my goal. I pulled everything out and began to pare down. This is where the “chiseling” began to transform my closet.

As I was going through my closet, I found myself being more intentional and aware of what I was choosing to keep. I’ll tell you I learn something new about me and the process every time. 

As I paired down, I asked myself:

  • Do I LOVE this – why not? Or what do I love about it?
  • How do I feel when I wear this?
  • Would I wear it more often with the perfect bottom? Is it missing something?
  • Is this my style? What is my style?
  • Does this represent how I want to show up?
  • Does this accentuate my body shape?

This exercise gave me so many insights that I freely let go of what didn’t serve me, and I felt empowered with the right questions for Clarissa. 


         4. The Transformation

 I am excited to have been connected with Clarissa of the New Palm Collection. New Palm Collection is a clothing line that gives back to foster youth. The founder, Clarissa, is also a personal stylist with over ten years of experience. 

During my virtual assessment with Clarissa, she asked me what my life goals where.

Speaking with her was so easy, I instantly opened up with my long list of wants. …. “I want to do public speaking events” “I want to be on news segments” “I want to travel” “I want to look confident and professional when I meet with clients.”

We went through more questions, and I remember telling her the typical “I don’t have anything to wear”. Well when she walked into my closet, she was shocked to see how streamlined my wardrobe was. Hahaha

But I was shocked and amazed at how she found new ways to wear my current wardrobe. I had no idea I could wear clothes in a certain way or pare certain pieces together. My favorite tip was when she showed me to layer my current jewelry pieces to give me a completely different look.

She helped me identify pieces that ultimately didn’t suit my body shape, and then she took me shopping for staple pieces that would give me so many more options in creating styles. Finally, allowing me to use my wardrobe in its entirety.

An organized closet allows us to

  • Reach for the right pieces.
  • See everything we own.
  • Have fun getting dressed and get out the door sooner.
  • Make space for wardrobe pieces that will take you on your next adventure.
  • Help you start your day with a spring in your step.

A wardrobe makeover allows us to 

  • Dress for the life we want 
  • Boost our confidence and show up Boldly for the life we design for ourselves. 
  • Give great first impressions. 
  • Confidently wear the pieces we already own.
  • It allows us to save money because we’re no longer buying clothes that are not the right fit.

Do you experience frustration, second-guessing, find that you have nothing to wear and/or feel “blah” when you open your closet? 

I am excited to announce that this Amazing transformative experience is available for you too.

Clarissa with New Palm Collection is a PREMIER Partner for Sensational Organizing, and you can experience a complete transformation of your closet and wardrobe. Want to get started today? Click here to get started. 

Now, I’m curious, what have you discovered about yourself while decluttering your closet? 

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