Managing Daily Messes: My Strategy for Tidying Up in Less Time

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We lead busy lives and things are not put back into their “homes” as often as we hope they do.

So, here’s a trick I use that helps me tidy up quickly and set things back to zero.

By using this trick I am able to manage my home like a “boss” and feel in control.

I find that this strategy works for me because everything has a “home.”

However, this is also a helpful strategy to discover what items are lingering in hallways because they don’t have a “home.”

All you need is a laundry basket and your cell phone’s timer.

​Rather than picking up one item at a time and taking it to it’s “home” in the opposite corner of the house, or worse up the stairs and down again, start in one room at a time and set your timer for 5-10 minutes and begin to tidy up.

Anything that does not belong in that room (small or big) put it in your laundry basket. 

As you move to another room, set it for another 5-10 minutes.

Once you’ve corralled the items, return them to their designated “homes” in one quick trip or while you are working in that room.

Just be sure that you empty the basket completely at the end. You will see how quickly you are able to put everything back in its “home,” freeing up your time to get back to what matters most! 

Timers are used to help get you started.

I find that my clients have a hard time getting started and if they can push through for a specific amount of time, it helps them to realize that it is not as bad as they thought.

Music is also a helpful tool to get you started and keep you motivated.

Will you give it a try? Do you have a strategy for cleaning up daily messes that you’d like to share?​

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