Have you ever felt like you keep spinning your wheels and can’t catch up?
Like the more you try to grab traction, you just can’t?
Or have there been times in your life where you have felt heavy and unclear about your direction?
We all have!
I can remember a few times in my life where these feelings have been the strongest.
Every single time the thing that has helped me get back on track has been to de-clutter and simplify my life.
To “subtract” from my space, my life, and schedule what doesn’t make sense in it.
Alejandra Costello, Organizing guru says: “It’s like trying to build a puzzle that requires only 250 pieces but you have 500 pieces in your hands.”
The problem is we have too many pieces and some of them are the wrong ones.
No matter how you turn the pieces, they just don’t belong.
Letting go is necessary and the first step to getting organized.
You can’t organize clutter! In the end, it’s still cluttered. Organizing without editing your belongings is just rearranging your stuff.
Decluttering is important because when the clutter is removed it allows us to see, touch, and feel the beauty of life in its simplest form.
You experience more freedom, joy, and peace when you let go.
It all starts with one simple decision.
One item at a time! It’s the small successful decisions that help you build confidence to keep going.
Do you need help getting started? What are some of your roadblocks to decluttering?