Virtual Organizing with Sensational Organizing

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 I know you must be feeling anxious at this time during the Stay-at-home order with all the uncertainty surrounding us right now. I feel ya and I’m right there with you. You may find yourself staring at or should I say trying to avoid seeing certain messes. When we were busy it was easier to just closet the door and pretend it didn’t exist. But with many families staying home we find ourselves face to face with the things that have needed our attention for so long.

Though you may be forced to face it. I’m here to tell you about our Virtual Organizing Services that will help you get organized as if you had your own personal organizer in your pocket. After working hands-on with so many different families and in different scenarios, let me tell you there is nothing I haven’t seen. In fact, I have a guaranteed method that has helped me time and time again to simplify and organize any space.

So many people prefer to have us Organize their spaces for them or with them but there is something powerful that happens with our Do-it-yourself Virtual Organizing, you experience increased awareness, personal satisfaction, you relieve stress and you experience a sense of control and best of all you DON’T do it completely alone.

What is Virtual Organizing?

Virtual Organizing with Sensational Organizing is the perfect combination of Do-it-yourself and Coaching designed to guide you to your desired goal faster, easier, and with certainty in every step you take. It helps overcome the basic challenges that you may experience when you try to organize on your own.

Things like:


 Not knowing where to Start

 Overwhelm over product options

Feeling like you go around in circles and can’t make a dent

and of course, working through the emotional & difficult decisions.

Here’s how it works:

Get Started by Completing your details here. You send in your pictures of your space so that we can strategize a custom solution for you. We meet Virtually over Zoom for 30 minutes to review your goals, then we provide you with a step by step Plan with tips that guides you through the implementation and Finally we work together via a combination of Zoom, accountability calls, and text messages to get you through to your Organized goal.

What we can help you with:

The great news is that we can work through any room inside your home including your office, tackle paper management systems for your bills, projects, or your children’s memorabilia.

 However, If I could recommend the rooms that make the biggest difference in helping families get organized they would be

(1)  The Master Bedroom and Closet (because everything starts and ends with you feeling your best)
(2) the kitchen
(3) the laundry
(4) the office or where you handle your papers.

If you don’t have an office and your papers are in piles throughout the home. Now is a perfect time to create a system that will help you thrive.

Stay Safe and use this time to simplify your spaces. You’ll be so glad you did.

Does this service sound like it was designed for you?

Get started by completing the Sensational Organizing Consultation form.

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